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Casa Bună Association is a non-governmental organization in Romania dedicated to supporting vulnerable children and families through education, health, and vocational programs. Founded by activist Valeriu Nicolae, the association began by offering educational assistance to children in Bucharest's Ferentari neighborhood and has since expanded its reach to rural areas in Argeș County.

Key Initiatives:

  • Education: tutoring and educational support to children, aiming to reduce school dropout rates and promote academic success. In 2020, the association conducted 7,979 hours of online educational activities, covering subjects such as reading, writing, Romanian, mathematics, and English.

  • Health: the association offers medical assistance and promotes healthy lifestyles among the children and families it supports.

  • Vocational Training

  • Basic Necessities

Casa Bună Association

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Casa Share is a non-profit organization based in Iași, Romania, dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged families and children. Founded by Bogdan Tănasă in 2014, the initiative began when he read about six siblings living in dire conditions. Moved by their plight, Tănasă mobilized support through social media to build them a new home. This act of kindness led to the establishment of Casa Share, which has since constructed over 35 houses for families in need.

Key Initiatives:

  • Housing Projects: Casa Share builds homes for families living in substandard conditions, providing them with safe and dignified living spaces. 

  • Educational Support

  • Community Assistance. 

Casa Share relies on donations and volunteer efforts to continue its mission. Supporters can contribute financially, donate building materials, or volunteer their time.

Casa Share


Dăruiește Viață (The Give Life Association) is a non-profit organization based in Romania, dedicated to transforming the country's medical system to provide better healthcare conditions and increased survival chances for patients. The organization focuses on building and renovating medical facilities, particularly in the field of oncology, and advocates for systemic changes to benefit both patients and medical staff.

Key Initiatives:

  • First National Hospital for Children with Cancer, Severe Diseases, and Trauma

  • Modernization of Oncology Departments

  • COVID-19 Response

  • Through these efforts, Dăruiește Viață aims to provide patients in Romania with better healthcare conditions and renewed hope.

Dăruiește Viață - Give Life


Located in Petrila, Romania, this public library serves as a cultural and educational hub for the community. Projects:

Fete Neînfricate (Fearless Girls) -This initiative aims to empower young girls, particularly from rural areas, by providing them with inspirational experiences and role models. For instance, in April 2023, 50 adolescent girls from rural communities were brought to Bucharest for an event designed to inspire and motivate them.

Noaptea Cercetătorilor (Researchers' Night) - An annual event celebrated across Europe, including Romania, that brings science and research closer to the public. It features a variety of activities such as experiments, demonstrations, and interactive workshops, aiming to inspire interest in scientific careers.

Books Valley 2024 - 2nd Edition of the event aiming to promote reading and ensure access to books within less fortunate communities.

Biblioteca din Vale

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Asociația Misionând Generația de Mâine (MGM) is a non-profit humanitarian organization based in Suceava, Romania, focusing on providing assistance to vulnerable populations in the Moldova region and parts of Ukraine. Guided by the motto "Din dragoste pentru OAMENI" ("Out of love for PEOPLE"), MGM is dedicated to supporting individuals in need.

MGM's mission is to demonstrate to as many people as possible that a better life, both materially and spiritually, is attainable. The organization aims to offer beneficiaries a model of life different from their daily routines, emphasizing integrity, transparency, Christianity, volunteerism, collaboration, involvement, learning, and development.

Key Activities

  • Supporting Vulnerable Children

  • Aid to Single-Parent Families and the Elderly

  • Assisting Individuals with Disabilities and Widows

Asociația MGM


Launched in July 2017 by journalists Cristian Delcea, Mihai Voinea, Andrei Crăciun, and Răzvan Ionescu, Recorder is an independent media platform owned entirely by its creators. Specializing in video journalism, Recorder produces investigations, documentaries, and reports that delve into various aspects of Romanian society. The platform is committed to honest journalism serving the public interest, maintaining independence through reader donations and advertising. Notably, Recorder has garnered a substantial following among younger audiences, with 64% of its viewership under the age of 30.

Recorder has established itself as an influential voice in Romanian media, upholding principles of integrity and independence in their reporting.



Established in 2009 by Father Mihai Negrea at the Podul-Coșnei Monastery, the association aims to support children and families in need within the community.

Key Initiatives:

  • Family-Type Home "Pr. Mihai Negrea": In 2014, the association established a social center in Vatra Dornei to provide a family-like environment for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

  • Social Canteen: The association operates a social canteen that offers a warm daily lunch to approximately 100 underprivileged children from the surrounding areas. Beyond meals, they also provide clothing, school supplies, toys, and other essential items to these children.

Asociația Filantropică Creștină Sfinții Voievozi Mihail și Gavril, Vatra Dornei

1.jpg is an independent news platform in Romania, founded in 2018 by journalists Dan Tăpălagă and Cristian Pantazi. The platform is known for its investigative journalism, in-depth analyses, and critical reporting on Romanian politics, economics, justice, and international affairs. has established itself as a credible source for news, especially in uncovering corruption, government misconduct, and policy failures.

Unlike mainstream media outlets that may have political or corporate affiliations, operates as a non-profit, relying primarily on reader donations, allowing them to maintain independence from political and business influences.



"Fii Lumină" is a charitable initiative founded by Doriana Alexandra in Petroșani, Romania. The project focuses on providing support to underprivileged individuals and families, particularly during festive seasons. In a recent endeavor, the initiative successfully gathered 291 gifts in response to letters received, and allocated 6,612.95 lei towards food, kindergarten presents, and additional gifts for occasions like Moș Nicolae (Saint Nicholas Day).

Through "Fii Lumină," Doriana Alexandra exemplifies a commitment to philanthropy, aiming to bring light and hope to those in need within her community in Jiu Valey, Romania.

Fii Lumina - Be the Light 

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Developed by the Romanian NGO Tășuleasa Social, the project aims to revitalize over 400 communities affected by depopulation and economic challenges by promoting ecotourism and fostering community connections. Via Transilvanica is a 1,400-kilometer (870-mile) long-distance trail that traverses Romania from Putna Monastery in the north to Drobeta-Turnu Severin by the Danube River in the south. The trail is marked by unique andesite milestones, each carved by artists, making it one of the world's largest open-air sculpture exhibits. Inaugurated in October 2022, the trail is designed for hiking, cycling, and horseback riding, offering travelers an immersive experience through Romania's diverse landscapes, including primeval forests, traditional villages, and historical sites.

Via Transilvanica


"Supa pentru Bunicuțe" (Soup for Grandmothers) is a charitable initiative based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, dedicated to providing warm meals to elderly individuals in need. The project focuses on delivering homemade soups and other nourishing dishes to senior citizens who may be facing challenges such as limited mobility, financial constraints, or social isolation.

Key Aspects of the Initiative:

  • Community Engagement: it encourages local community members to participate by preparing meals, donating ingredients, or volunteering their time for meal deliveries.

  • Nutritional Support: the initiative aims to improve the nutritional intake of the elderly, contributing to their overall health and well-being.

  • Social Connection: helps alleviate feelings of loneliness among the elderly recipients.

Supa pentru Bunicuțe - Soup for Grandmas

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RAFA (Romanian American Freedom Alliance) is committed to helping struggling families in Romania and Moldova, particularly those affected by poverty, lack of resources, and social hardships. The organization provides financial aid, food, education support, and emergency assistance to families in various challenging situations. Some examples of who we helped in the past:

  • Many of the families RAFA helps lack basic necessities such as food, electricity, or heating during winter. They often live in rural areas with limited access to jobs and essential services. Some households do not have running water or proper sanitation.

  • Mothers raising children alone often struggle with low wages, lack of childcare support, and rising living costs.

  • In areas prone to floods or harsh winters, many families lose their homes or face severe damage. RAFA helped with temporary housing, reconstruction, and essential supplies.

Various Families in Need

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This is a nonprofit organization based in Bucharest, Romania, dedicated to supporting individuals with potential in various fields such as education, sports, health, art, and environmental protection. The organization collaborates with doctors and hospitals to promote health, supports high-performance athletes in achieving their goals, and invests in education, which it sees as the engine of the future. They encourage artistic endeavors and protects the environment, recognizing the importance of these areas in society.

Totul Este Posibil - Everything Is Possible


Causes we support

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